Jakarta – One of the lecturers from LSPR Communication and Business Institute had another opportunity to be one of the key speakers in the webinar about “kuliah pakar” prodi Magister Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP, Universitas Sebelas Maret. This time it was Mr. Rendro Dhani PhD who shared his knowledge with all participants last Wednesday (02/12). The man who was born in Solo, who started his career in journalism and later became an academic, started the webinar with a casual introduction, which was clearly visible from his nature and language.

Mr. Rendro Dhani PhD while presenting his material

Mr. Dhani started the discussion of the material by first explaining what politics, public relations were, and then continued with an in-depth discussion of political public relations. “The basics of the science of public relations will continue to be used and developed in accordance with the development of the times as well, especially in an era that is all online like today, state leaders must have a way to reach many people through online as well.” Said Mr. Dhani.

Mr. Silih Agung Wasesa while presenting his material

Government public relations is also tasked with looking at algorithms and statistical data from things such as what topics are currently being discussed, who are popular public figures, and so on with the aim of better understanding society and learning what approaches are most appropriate when communicating things such as messages from government and so on.

In this webinar, Mr. Dhani also discussed a bulletin that questioned whether the value of Indonesian democracy would actually become a deep understanding of Liberalism? This is one of the points of the dynamics in political public relations in Indonesia, criticism and criticism are also discussed in this webinar, easy access to social media, everyone has more freedom to use the platform, one of which is by criticizing the government. Here, government public relations is in charge of responding to and processing these criticisms. (Mahira)