Vision LSPR Institute of Communication & Business has the following Vision: “Want to be a university that can be accepted as a role model (model) in the development  and application of communication and business science in Indonesia and internationally  recognized”. Every faculty and study program has a vision to support the big vision of the Institute.


The mission of the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business is as follows:

1. To become a university that can produce graduates who are competent, independent,  innovative, creative and have special skills in the field of communication and business  who are able to compete at a global level. Conducting basic and applied research for the advancement of science, especially  communication and business. Devoting expertise in the field of communication and business for the benefit of the  community. Improving academic quality standards with national and international standards.

2. Every faculty and study program has a mission to support the great mission of the  Institute.


The objectives of the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business are to:

1. Prepare graduates to become part of the community who have competencies in the  form of knowledge, abilities, skills, attitudes and behavior in the field of  communication and business that are competitive at the global level, as a useful  contribution to the nation and state.

2. Produce quality research and scientific publications that are useful in community  development. Nation and state. Realizing useful and beneficial community service activities for communication and  business development. Every faculty and study program has a goal to support the great goals of the Institute