On 2-6 April 2018, LSPR – Jakarta in collaboration with the University of Nebrija held a “Spanish Week” seminar.

Learning process of Spanish

Additionally, this cooperation also offers LSPR students learn the Spanish language and culture. For today, Spanish is the 3rd most popular language in the world.

An open discussion between students and teacher

LSPR – Jakarta organized Spanish Express Classes to teach beginners the basic grammar and vocabulary of Spanish language for everyday conversation. Students can attend a short module for each session in LSPR – Jakarta to learn Spanish and culture. The main demand is to speak Spanish. ‘I have only one rule – I can speak English only but you are allowed to speak Spanish in my class,’ says Mr Alfonso Carnicero.

Question and answer session after Spanish movie screening

During the “Spanish Movie Screening” seminar students familiarized with Spanish culture and life through such movies as ‘El Viaje de Carol’, ‘Tambien la Huvia’ and ‘La Isla Minima.’ (Nadira/Cik/Anita/Citra/Fakhira/Yuyun)