On Friday, 6 April 2018, Research and Community Service Centre organized the Internal Workshop LPPM 2018, Room 14, Campus C in LSPR – Jakarta. This workshop consists of three sessions regarding various issues on research and community service.

Dr. Andre Ikhsano, M.Si is giving an opening speech

A plaque appreciation for Dr. Eriyanto

Dr Andre Ikhsano, M.Si, Dr Lestari Nurhajati, M.Si. and Yuliana R Prasetyawati, M.M gave an opening speech to encourage as many lecturers as possible to contribute to LSPR – Jakarta research and community service development.

Gracia Ardiasi Rachmi, MM delivered her presentation

Dr. Yolanda Stellarosa gave knowledge about research and community service

During the first session, Dr Eriyanto discussed the situation of higher education and Dikti winners. Furthermore, Dr Yolanda Stellarosa explained the preparation of grant proposals for research and community services. And at the last third session, Gracia Ardiasi Rachmi, MM delivered a message about scientific articles for the publication-sharing community. (Jasmine / Anita)