In partnership with De Montfort University (DMU) Leicester, LSPR-Jakarta held Microfilm Production Workshop on Monday, April 8th 2019. The workshop is intended for students of both institutions to learn about the types, techniques, as well the process of microfilm making such as feature films and documentaries.

Presentation from Mr. Rhys Davies about the tecniques process to create documentary film

Located in Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall, the workshop began with a presentation from Dr. Ben Harbisher regarding different modes of documentary films. He explained that types of microfilms vary and each requires a different approach in the making. The event continued with a workshop by Mr. Andrew Trigg from LSPR-Jakarta who gave a lecture about tips of shooting in Bali.

Mr. Andrew Trigg gave tips of shooting in Bali

This session was dedicated to students of DMU, as well as LSPR-Jakarta students who will go on the Bali Study Tour Trip by LSPR-Jakarta in the following months. He explained the importance of capturing microbits of culture, especially with the richness of Balinese culture.

Dr. Ben Harbisher and Mr. Andrew Trigg as speakers 

The workshop continued with a presentation about the techniques (form, structure, and composition) of documentaries by Mr. Rhys Davies. He talked about the steps and processes to create a presentable documentary. After this, Dr. Paul Smith explained the types of documentaries that could create change for society. He insisted that the medium can enlighten the unseen part of society, hence documentary makers are expected to trigger conversations and debates about controversial matters in the public.

Ms. Lintang Pramudya Wardhani talked about Loglines for Films

Finally, students were given an interactive workshop from Cinema Clicks with Ms. Lintang Pramudya Wardhani about making Loglines for films. Students can enthusiastically share their Loglines or movie premises to get feedback from Ms. Lintang as a professional screenwriter. The workshop wasvery informative, and students from DMU and LSPR-Jakarta were able to mingle with one another. The event closed with plaque giving to speakers from LSPR-Jakarta. (Nadira, Irfan)