Tuesday, April 2, 2019 – The London School of Public Relations held the 4th ASEAN SPOT of 2019 with the theme PR and The Art of Storytelling in Campus B Auditorium, LSPR Jakarta from 2pm until 5pm.

Mrs. Ani Natalia -Deputy Director of Public Relations Directorate General of Taxation Presented About How To Create Ideas

Invited guests were Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, President of APRN and Founder and Director of LSPR, Mrs. Ani Natalia, Deputy Director of Public Relations Directorate General of Taxation, Samsolese a Youtuber, Ms. Livi Zheng, Hollywood Film Producer and Director, and Mr. Prabunindya Revta Revolusi, Senior News Anchor and Head of Anchors  CNN Indonesia. Ms. Livi Zheng and Mr. Prabunindya Revta were unable to attend face to face, but  took the time to present their material and story through their presentation video.

Mrs. Prita Gave an Appreciation Plaques to Mrs. Ani Natalia

The event was opened with remarks from Mrs. Prita about the important role of communication as a form of coordination between members or teams to convey ideas and ideas. Mrs. Natalia Pinem, Deputy Director of Public Relations Directorate General of Taxation, then discussed how in this modern era communicating messages through social media a platform that anyone in the world can use to deliver news and information. Millennials who are known to be very fond of videos are guaranteed to access Youtube almost every day, so Youtube is one way to deliver  powerful messages to the millennial generation.

Video Presentation by Ms. Livi Zheng as Hollywood Film Producer and Director

The event continued with a video presentation from Ms. Livi Zheng, Hollywood Film Producer and Director, about how she struggled to become the youngest Hollywood film producer and director at that time. The presentation video also featured several of her films with Indonesian themes that highlighted locations and the culture of the Bali Island.

Samsolese Shared Experience to Become Success


Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari delivered a plaque of appreciation to Samsolese

Finally, Samsolese, a youtuber, one of four members who started with friendship on campus, began his career by making videos which were then uploaded to the Youtube site. The response from netizens turned out to be so positive, that they continued to make videos by developing their content and now their subscribers have reached 388 thousand.
The key to their success is their consistency in making videos so that their audience remained loyal, especially coupled with the fact that the number of people who have become youtubers continues to increase every month, each year. The event was closed with presentation of appreciation plaques to the speakers of ASEAN SPOT.(Cik, Hanindita)