On Tuesday, 10th January 2023 at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium LSPR Jakarta, LSPR held the ASEAN SPOT event themed “2030 SDG Goals: Where Are We Now?” in collaboration with ASEAN Foundation, Forest Interactive Foundation, and Insan Bumi Mandiri. This event was focusing on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and progresses made to achieve them.


On this event, ASEAN Foundation has signed a “Friendship Agreement” with ASEAN Autism Network, alongside with LSPR Centre of Public Studies and LSPR SDGs Centre.


The event started with the participants were singing the 3 National Anthem Songs, including Indonesia, Malaysia, and ASEAN.


After the participants sang the 3 National Anthem Songs, it was followed by the short profile and the activities of each organizations from ASEAN Public Relations Network, ASEAN Foundation, Forest Interactive Foundation, and Insan Bumi Mandiri.


Next, Ms. Candy Tolosa provided the opening remark, replacing Ibu Dr. (H.C.) Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, FIPR due to the poor health. Then, followed by the presentation of Mr. Johary Mustapha from Forest Interactive Foundation.

Mr. Johary Mustapha discussed about the technology development for the future titled “Future is Tech.” Mr. Johary talked about the problems and the issues for the current technology development and its challenges to achieve the SDG well in the future. Mr. Johary provided the solutions to focus more on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), and TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training).


Next, Ms. Zulfa Faizah from Insan Bumi Mandiri discussed about the programme activities of the organization. Ms. Zulfa explained the purpose of the organization is to focus on empowering remote areas of Indonesia, especially to get the equal access to education, health, and be economically empowered. Ms. Zulfa also talked the milestones and the projects of the organization, including the clean water, school boat, ambulance boat, and other projects.


Next, Dr. Yang Mee Eng from ASEAN Foundation explained the supporting of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for ASEAN. Dr. Yang talked about the ASEAN Foundation profiles, updates, issues, as well the challenges for SDG in the future. Dr. Yang also discussed the projects of the ASEAN Foundation, including Community Building: “Empowering Youths Across ASEAN (EYAA),” Education: “ASEAN Data Science Explorers (ASEAN DSE), ASEAN Seeds for the Future (ASEAN STF), and ASEAN Digital Literacy Programme (ASEAN DLP).”


After all of the speakers provided their presentations, then it was followed by the Questions and Answers (QnA) Session, then followed by all of the guest speakers signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), and handover the Plaque of Appreciation as a sign to have a “Friendship Agreement” between the ASEAN Foundation, Forest Interactive Foundation, Insan Bumi Mandiri organization, alongside with ASEAN Autism Network (AAN), LSPR Centre of Public Studies and LSPR SDGs Centre.



Then, Ms. Candy Tolosa, along with the other speakers launched the All New organization in LSPR called “LSPR SDGs Centre,” with the slogan “No One Left Behind.” Lastly, they held the group photo, and the event finished.