ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) conducted its first Executive Committee Meeting of the year on Thursday, February 2, 2023. The meeting was held online, and it was discussing about the ASEAN Autism Mapping Phase II, and JAIF Project Proposal. The meeting started with the introduction of Mr. Sirisak (P’Mhee) Wiwatana, representative from AU Thai, and they held the ‘Minute of Silence’ in honour to Dr. Samrerng (Sam) Virachanang who had passed away on last December.


Mr. Somchai Rungsilp, from APCD explained the concept note of Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF), then it’s followed by explanation of Ms. Dang Koe. Mr. Somchai said that last month, they had appointed a working group to develop the project proposal, and wanted to work in a small group in order to draft and send the proposal, as well to get the agreement from the other country in order to work and move forward for the ongoing project. Mr. Somchai also said that APCD commented about the expensive budget for the project. Mr. Somchai discussed the future activities of the project by giving the 3 models (All Coverage, Regional, and Self-Advocate) along with total budgets.


Ms. Dang Koe, from ASP explained the objectives of JAIF Project Proposal. Ms. Dang Koe said that she promises to help in terms of the language grammar. Ms. Dang Koe also gave the suggestions and comments about the objectives that have provided based on the proposal, especially for the small working group short distance. Ms. Dang Koe gave the input that they have to prioritize any desired projects to carry out and do any methods due to the high budget is not realistic to be achieved.


Mr. Somchai stated that they will conduct the hybrid meeting approach and asked the other country representatives to give their confirmation to join the JAIF Project Proposal. Mr. Somchai requested Mr. Syvang Xayyavong, Ms. Candy Hernandez, and Mr. Abijdzar Alghivari (Ghivar) to confirm, and verify if the other country could join the ASEAN Autism Mapping Phase II, and JAIF Project Proposal, including Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Brunei. Mr. Somchai requested and hoped that any Executive Board Members who cannot attend the meeting should send a substitute, so every country is not absent. Mr. Somchai also requested for the 2022 Financial Report of AAN to record the membership fees and expenses of the most recent AAN Congress 2022 in KL. Mr. Cason Ong, from NASOM asked Ms. Candy if any membership fees (save for Myanmar) are collected, and accounted in that year.


Mr. Syvang Xayyavong, from AfA said that he wants to implement every activities from JAIF Project Proposal by online and physically face to face by some countries to renew the expenditure, but he worried that it might be rejected due to the high expenditure. However, Ms. Dang Koe convinced Mr. Syvang’s organization to participate in the project. Mr. Syvang also requested Ms. Candy to send a confirmation email to the 4 countries that mentioned by Mr. Somchai.


Three country representatives, Mr. Chan Sarin, from CAN, Ms. Pham Thi Kim Tam, from VAN, and Mr. Taufik Hidayat, from YAI agreed and confirmed that they will also join for the JAIF Proposal Project. Mr. Taufik said that YAI can only do several activities that listed on the proposal, as well to clarify more clearly, and communicate for the proposal’s budget allocation with AAN Secretariat before being submitted to JAIF.


Here are the group photos of AAN Executive Committee Meeting January 2023 version.