Under the Career Centre, LSPR held a signature Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with 10 companies in Indonesia as a network expansion to facilitate students with job opportunities, on Friday, 6 March 2020 at the Rafael Jolongbayan room. The event is opened with a speech from Ms. Candy Hernandez, M.Si as the Head of LSPR Careers & Employability Centre.

The attending companies, which are, ASTON Kartika Grogol Hotel & Conference Center, Harris Hotel Tebet Jakarta, PT Ruang Kreasi Berdaya or known as KUMPUL, PT Askara Kreasi Dinamika, PT Cerdas Digital Nusantara, PT Infracom Telesarana (Indonusa), PT Jangjo Teknologi Indonesia, PT Pop Digital Indonesia, PT Warhol Interaktif Indonesia and PT Onda Mega Industri. Each company had the chance to give a short speech about their company profile and outcomes expectation from the partnership. The event, then, followed by JPP signing, giving plaque of appreciation and closed with a photo session.

The joint partnership is expected to open a broader opportunity for students and alumni to have internships, campus hiring and other employment possibilities, that hopefully will be beneficial for LSPR as well as the companies.