1/10 or also known as slow speed photography technique is one of the most important techniques in the world of photography, especially in the field of landscape. The result is to produce uniqueness for photography lovers out there. And LSPR Photography Club proudly presented  “1/10” for their theme of the exhibition that was held last 8 until 10 August 2017 at Jakarta Creative Hub.

Not only displaying the shots of the club members, this exhibition also held a seminar hosted by senior photographer, Arbain Rambey. In this occasion he presented a seminar on “Motion Moments”, where the topic he described wasn’t far from his job of photographing sports that doesn’t always turn off the motion. In the world of journalistic photography, photographing sports is one of the “branches” that has different characteristic from other things. Because photographing sports need a better reaction from a photographer than photographing anything else because in photography sports the photographer generally records human movements.