To see the process of working in the world of journalism, LSPR News visited one of magazine’s office, GADIS, on Friday, March 20th, 2015 at 13:00 pm. There are 26 members, officers and  News Coordinator Aprida Sihombing being guests that day.

LSPR News got a chance to known about history and background of GADIS Magazine

Ms. Marissa from GADIS explained about history and background of GADIS Magazine to the students

Representative LSPR News get a chance to get closer to the magazine that has been established since 1973’s through the presentation of GADIS editorial team representative, about a brief history of the development of GADIS magazine, as well as some of the innovations that have been developed.

Gadis Magazine have tried to be closer with all students. They provide ways to all student for LSPR to joint internship program with them

Gadis Magazine have tried to be closer with all students. They provide ways to all student for LSPR to joint internship program with them

GADIS Editorial Team recognize a system designed to support magazine print version and online version, as well as revealing the advantages and obstacles for working with the magazine who had mother company, Femina.

after visit around facility at GADIS office, LSPR News give a plaque of appreciation to Gadis Magazine for welcoming us.

After visit around facility at GADIS office, LSPR News give a plaque of appreciation to Gadis Magazine for welcoming us.