LSPR Choir Alumni Presents,
A Virtual Reunion Concert.

Launch on July 11th
At *LSPR Jakarta* Youtube Channel
A collaboration of LSPR Choir Alumni from Batch 3 – Batch 19.

Join us to rise up the spirit of our healthcare workers in the front lines of Covid-19 and support the donation line while you sing along with our tunes.

Your support will provide essential funding to purchase Personal Protective Equipments for healthcare workers.

For donation:
Bank BNI 0019952686 a/n Yayasan Pesona Pribadi Sejahtera
(add 009 on your nominal. For Example Rp 600.0009)

Best Regards,

LSPR Choir Alumni

Thank you for your support

#LSPRChoirAlumniConcert #RiseUpConcert #LSPRJakarta #LSPRKabarBaikHariIni #LSPR28th