Friday, 27th October 2017 International Program Division of London School of Public Relations Jakarta held a briefing for students exchange and study abroad programs 2018 at Campus C. The briefing opened with an introduction of International Program team by Nadine Samala as manager of International Program. Introduction continued by a video from the latest student exchange program, contains International Program profile, their current condition, problems, and experiences.

Ms. Nadine Samala gave a presentation about the student exchange program

Next session, Putri as administrator of International Program Division explained about available countries and cost for Students Exchange and Study Abroad Programs next batch. They give information about estimated living cost for student exchange and study abroad in all available country for those programs.

The participants asked a questions

Timeline for international programs explained by Stefanie followed with question and answer session for students and their parents who attended this briefing. First session closed by Sue Davis from English Division explained about upcoming assessment for International Programs.

The participants listened to the explanation about students exchange

This year International Programs continued the special offering for Students Exchange with more countries available and bigger quota. Some of the briefing participants show their excitment to this program. Best luck for all participants! (Elizabeth/ Tiara)