KMB (Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhist) Pramudita  LSPR celebrated Vesakh Day 2560 BE on Sunday, June 19th, 2016. The Vesakh Day itself falls last May 22, 2016. The event was held at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall and started from 14:00. The event was opened by a dance performance and continued with speech of the chairman, Jesika Shendy, chairman of the KMB, Edwin Garcia, Deputy Director III, Mr. Immanuel Hutagalung M. Sc,  and a representative from Bank Sinarmas, Mr. Oka Riza as the sponsor.

Opening Speech by Jesika Shendy, chief executive

Opening Speech by Jesika Shendy, chief executive

All attendees sang mars KMB

All attendees sang mars KMB

Vesakh Day Celebration KMB Pramudita LSPR 2016 with the theme “Enhancing The Spirit Of Buddha” in order to tighten the relations between KMB se-JaBoDeTaBek and Buddhist people. This event also has a DhammaTalk with Garvin Goei and Bikhu Bhadra Pala Sthavira and Dr. Ponijan Liaw, MBA, M. Pd as the speakers.

Reprecentative of SINARMAS gave symbolic donations

Reprecentative of SINARMAS gave symbolic donations

Plaques of appreciation and hand buckets was given to VIP guests

Plaques of appreciation and hand buckets was given to VIP guests

KMB Pramudita LSPR with Bank Sinarmas made a campaign “Secangkir Kebahagiaan Waisak” and gave a thousand cups or 20 kg rice for Putra Nusa foundation, Sayap Ibu foundation, and Rumah Harapan.
The event closed with the announcement of the winner of Pramudita Festival consisting category of Singing, Jataka, and Dhama Desana.

Yolanda Cendrakasih / Aldo Giovani