To create a master program in communication science that is superior and becomes a role model, professional, and world class based on high moral integrity, mastery of the latest communication technology, and upholding the values of Indonesian culture.


1. Developing the maximum competence of students to become human learners and become graduates who can be role models in mastering qualified scientific competences and high moral integrity.

2. Carrying out effective academic activities through the development of research and publications in accordance with world research standards and based on communication science so as to produce scientific work that is tested and recognized nationally and internationally.

3. Carry out community service activities that are able to contribute significantly to the business world and the wider community based on the professional values of work and work.

4. Realizing educational institutions that reflect modern organizations with transparent, efficient and fair resource management.

5. Creating a climate and academic culture for lecturers, students, education staff, and other stakeholders to foster useful innovation and creativity.

6. Establishing and increasing cooperation with national and international universities, government agencies, the business sector and the industrial world in various ways a form of collaboration that builds synergy between academic and practical needs.