On July 26, 2016, under the guidance of Mr. Michael Yulius Cobis and his assistant Mr. Fajar Adhiguna, class 19-2A presented a theater titled “The Sound of the East”. The theater is held in Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall LSPR-Jakarta. Besides showing the ability of acting, this theater also shows the ability to dance and sing from its cast.

Erens saying goodbye to Otto

Erens saying goodbye to Otto

Tells about the war between the two tribes, the Dani and Yali tribe. The war began when the chiefman of Dani wants to kidnap the sister of Yali’s Chiefman to be the second wife. But the Chiefman of Dani was killed because of his plans known by one of the Yali’s guards.

The war between Dani Tribe and Yali Tribe

The war between Dani Tribe and Yali Tribe

Because his father was killed, his one and only son, Jeremias (Jacob Alexander) was appointed as the next chiefman of the Dani tribe. Jeremias and his family vowed to hold a war with Yali tribe. Jeremias anger increased when he know that his sister, Erens (Yasmin Yasyifa) fall in love with the chiefman of Yali, Otto (Didiet Wahyu).

Erens singing the last song before she goes to heaven

Erens singing the last song before she goes to heaven

The war between Dani and Yali tribe was unstoppable. But when Jeremias was about to kill Otto, Erens prevent it, resulting in she was the one who got killed. Jeremias family was devastated, and at that moment, the two tribes decided to make peace so that no more bloodshed between them. (Sabrina)