LSPR FOMS held an annual event called “Assalamualaikum Ramadhan – Symphony of Sincerity” in a talk show format as well iftar held on Wednesday, June 24th, 2015 at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall Campus B. The event aims to establish a relationship between students as well as forums for charity and spread the goodness in glorious month. The speakers are brought in to provide motivation and learning about the meaning of sincerity in Ramadan, such as Ahmad Fuadi author of the trilogy “Best Seller” Negeri 5 Menara well as winning 10 international scholarships and Taufan Teguh Akbari, Author Proud and Rise, initiator of the National Community Day and Associate Dean of Campus A LSPR Jakarta. The talk show is the culmination of a series of previous events “Sahur with Yatim” held in Yayasan Piatu Muslimin of Central Jakarta on June 20, 2015.

Opening speech by Mr. Irfan Dedi as Club Coordinator LSPR FOMS

Opening speech by Mr. Irfan Dedi as Club Coordinator LSPR FOMS

The theme of “Symphony of Sincerity” has a unique meaning that shades the beauty of Islam is wrapped in a dynamic modernity. Talk show once iftar also provide different color, there is the appearance of a fashion show INDIJ by Indira, Kursien Karzai, Aprilia, and Ol’rait. The fourth designer to collaborate on one stage that the models derived from Modelling Club LSPR. This event is also equipped with tausiyah of Ustadz Ahmad Ahidin.

Tilawah by LSPR FOMS

Tilawah by LSPR FOMS

Talkshow wiith Ahmad Fuadi and Taufan Teguh Akbari

Talkshow wiith Ahmad Fuadi and Taufan Teguh Akbari

The Chairman of LSPR FOMS Teuku Cut Agatra said, “With this event is expected to provide more motivation to maximize worship in the holy month of Ramadan, also establish a relationship between students internally and externally,” he said. Then, Mr. Irfan Dedi, Club Coordinator LSPR FOMS added, “With shades FOMS event that packed more creative this year, so as to attract the attention of young people still consider the modern to religious values, especially Islam.” (Vyrana, Debora)