LSPR through its Career Centre held a MOU Signing Ceremony with several companies in Indonesia. It was held last Wednesday, September 2, 2015, at Studio TV, Media Centre, by Head of Career Centre, Ms. Candy Hernandez, M.Si  started with the discussion before the signing ceremony.

Discussion with the representatives from the companies before signing MOU

Discussion with the representatives from the companies before signing MOU

The companies who signed on different schedule this week were; PT. Valmet represented by the President Director, Inawan Pamungkas and Noguchi Glass Co.Ltd represented by Mieko Noguchi as Artist President Director. That two companies got a chance to present their own company profile respectively. Followed by the main event, the JPP signing and giving plaque of appreciation to representatives of their respective companies.

Ms. Candy Hernandez as Head of Career Centre signing the MOU between the companies

Ms. Candy Hernandez as Head of Career Centre signing the MOU between the companies

This collaboration aims to make it easier for students to gain experience in the working world, either as interns or directly as a worker. It’s not only for active students; it also provides information for employment opportunities for LSPR alumni.