On the 27th September 2016, the presidential candidates of Student League for the period  2016/2017 held a Meet-and-Greet session with the students of LSPR Jakarta.

Lita and Faiz were introduced the new candidates for President Student League 2016/2017.

Lita and Faiz were introduced the new candidates for President Student League 2016/2017.

The event was held at Campus B canteen, while LSPR students had their lunch at the same time.The Meet and Greet session was opened by a performance from LSPR Band and followed by the explanation of the visions, missions and work programs that have been planned by the candidates, during the next year. With their own way, they explained it succinctly and straightforward.

Intan and Anggita were told about their vision and mission.

Intan and Anggita were told about their vision and mission.

After the Meet and Greet session was over, LSPR Research Club then conducted a Quick Count with the results that were led by number 2 candidates, Clara Tirta Wijaya and Dewi with 53.9% of the vote. While number 1 candidates, Christine Diamond and Anggita Pramantri received 39.2% of the vote, although 6.9% of the vote were abstained. (Anita/Citra)

Clara and Dewi as a candidates number 2 were told about their programs.

Clara and Dewi as candidates number 2 were told about their programs.