
Digital Media Communication
& Advertising

Performing Arts


Entrepreneur Business

Hospitality Communication &

Maritime Communication

Public Relations

The exciting field of Public Relations is one of the fastest-growing industries, not to mention a rewarding profession.

Organizations rely on maintaining good relationships with their publics, whether with customers, potential customers, government officials, suppliers or employees. Our courses are designed to prepare students in managing these relationships in diverse fields of Public Relations.

Theoretical knowledge, combined with the practical skills that students gain in LSPR-Jakarta will enhance their capability to contribute to organizational management in their future professions.

Mass Communications

The rapid development of the Indonesian mass media is evidenced by the growing numbers of TV stations, Radio broadcasters, newspapers and magazines, not to mention the ‘dot coms’.Along with the growth potential of regional-based media industries, skilful practitioners in mass media will be urgently needed in the future. Our course aims to produce qualified graduates ready to strive in the industry, in areas of both print and electronic concentration.LSPR-Jakarta Mass Communications provides courses from conception, writing, producing, presenting, editing and management of a television programme, and television as a complete institution.While a radio practicum will introduce the students to the daily operations of radio station programming (from concept to production), there is also scriptwriting, announcing, music programming, technical operations and station management.Journalism of printed media will be covered by courses in writing for journalism, media management and the journalism code of ethics.