Jakarta – On 17-19 February 2020, LSPR Communication & Business Institute held an annual event for LSPR Lecturers, known as Lecturer Convention, at the Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall, Sudirman Park, Jakarta. The event was held over three days from 10.30 until 16.30. The event consisted of four sessions, filled with many different guest speakers.

Arudji Kiswanto and Georgiana Ingrid, representatives from LinkedIn

The first day started with a workshop called “Welcome to Rock Your Profile” by Arudji Kiswanto and Georgiana Ingrid, representatives from LinkedIn. Both speakers gave presentations on improving the business profile of lecturers with LinkedIn. The next workshop was held by LP3M members from LSPR, consisting of Rendro Dhani, Ph.D, Rani Chandra Octaviani, M.Sc and Dr. Lestari Nurhajati. The session began with an introductory presentation from Rendro Dhani, Ph.D about what was carried out by the LP3M team, followed by a subsequent presentation from Rani Chandra Octaviani, M.Si, called “The Community Service Program at the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business” or known as “LSPR Institute Communication Program and Business Community Services “.

Rani Chandra Octaviani, M.Si, presentation about “The Community Service Program at the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business”

The presentation was continued by Dr. Lestari Nurhajati. She gave a presentation called “Google Scholar and SINTA”.  At the end of the session on the first day, Novita Tandry was the final guest speaker. She is a psychologist and also the owner of NTO Daycare-Preschool-Kindergarten. Novita Tandry held a management workshop and presented “Communicating with the Alpha Generation”.

All speakers in second day Lecturer Convention

On the second day, Prof. Dr. Kiranjit Raur was the resource person speaking on the topic of Institutional preparedness in improving lecturers’ obligation for research, community service, and publication. Workshop material session ‘LSPR Communication & Business Institute Curriculum Development’ was delivered by Dr. Andre Ikhsano through the topic of discussion about the development of S1 Curriculum and Dr. Rino F Boer delivered the same topic for Master’s. In this session, both Dr. Andre Ikhsano and Dr. Rino F Boer emphasized the development of S1 and S2 curriculums after LSPR Jakarta changed from STIKOM to Institute, starting from learning materials, majoring in each study program, to more efficient learning methods to be used. In the last session of the second day, the Academic Position Level Workshop (JJA) began at 3:00 PM with the topic ‘Preparation of JJA Promotion to Head Associates and Professors’ as well as being invited by the Waket 2 Team, was emphasized.

Prof. Dr. Kiranjit Raur was the resource person speaking on the topic of Institutional preparedness in improving lecturers’ obligation for research, community service, and publication

On the last day of the Lecturer Convention, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Prof. Ainun Na’im, Ph. D, M.B.A, was the Keynote speaker. He discussed the five focuses of development by the government, HR Development, Infrastructure Development, Simplification of Regulations, Simplification of Bureaucracy, and Economic Transformation. He also alluded to the direction by President Jokowi on the transfer of 2019 DIPA; Education must produce people / graduates with relevant skills / competencies, not diplomas.

Lecturer and speakers in last day Lecturer Convention

Besides Prof. Ainun, LSPR also invited PT NBO Indonesia’s Founder & Managing Director, Susanna Hartawan. She explained about the Corporate University. “Talent is the most valuable asset of any organization”. The program ended with an appearance by LSPR lecturers performing a simple theater drama directed by Mr. Michael Yulius Cobis, M.Sc M.M. Some of the lecturers who appeared were: Sophie Bernadette, SE, Sylvia S. Roenfeld, M. SI, and Yunita P. Simatupang, M. SI. 

Article by Amira, Natal, Dianka

Photo by, Dianka, Michael