“Women are all mothers of all men” it said by Mr. Ermiel Thabrani in a PR Corner special edition of Kartini Day in Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall as one of the speakers. In this special edition of Kartini Day, PR Corner themed “Women Leadership in Public Relations and Law”.

Mr. Erniel Thabrani explained that notary is one of the important person in the company

Mr. Ermiel Thabrani gave his insight about woman emancipation nowadays   

Mrs. Yualita Widyadhari is one of the most succesful notary in Indonesia

Mrs. Yualita Widyadhari as the speaker shown that a woman can be a leader

Ms. Yualita Widyadhari as Notary / PPAT and Organizational Leader and also the first speaker of PR Corner said  that Leadership in women now is remarkable. Many leaders in Indonesia are women. There were more women in Indonesia have a Kartini future goals to be a useful person to society. Leadership in women was built by the family, and together provide benefits for all people in the organization.

The Finalist of Fashion Show Competition

Fashion Show Competition to commemorating Kartini’s day

And according to Mr. Ermiel Thabrani as PR Consultant & Event Architect, the notary is a key component for keeping the public mandate, which is trust. Without trust, the company will not run properly. This event more special because the participants who attended the PR Corner special Kartini Day are the Notary from inside and outside Jabodetabek and also topped off by a Fashion Show competition of the notary, who modelled their best kebaya. (Sabrina)