Jakarta – Saturday, December 12, 2020, is the day chosen by the Ministry of Education and Culture to introduce Kedaireka to the public. “Higher education as a place to prepare talents and producers of Science and Technology (IPTEK), must be a source of water for the advancement of the industrial world and the progress of our beloved nation and homeland,” said Director General of Higher Education, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M. .Sc, DIC, Ph.D. in his speech Kedaireka is a program from the Independent Campus which is an innovation to improve quality human resources.

Prof. Ir. Nizam, M. .Sc, DIC, Ph.D. gave his speech

Merdeka Campus is a work program of the Ministry of Education and Culture to advance the education system in Indonesia in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially universities. Kedaireka is here as a forum for meeting, collaboration, and connecting universities with the industrial world. Not only preparing a forum for collaboration between universities and industry, Kedaireka, which is supported by the government, also provides matching funds for innovation and works of universities in overcoming current industrial problems.

Mr. Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Education and Culture

“.. We hope that later college graduates are not only ready to work, they can even create jobs. Not only agile, but also future-oriented, ”said Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim. Through the Kedaireka platform, the industry can convey its problems and will be helped to solve it by lecturers and students in universities. Colleges can offer creative ideas that will help the industrial world. Collaboration must be created in order to get matching funds based on the principle of need.

Through Kedaireka, universities and industry are expected to be able to help each other to support the main vision of the country under President Jokowi’s leadership, namely, improving the quality of superior human resources and encouraging community economic empowerment. The benefits of Kedaireka are not only felt for developed urban areas, but also for underdeveloped areas, for example villages. Kedaireka is expected to be able to help the villages lag behind with the form of innovations and their work.

Kedaireka Officialy Launched

How to join Kedaireka is very easy, just go to the Kedaireka.id site. Then choose a profession that suits you, and will immediately join the Kedaireka. As a form of transformation of government funds for higher education, Kedaireka is expected to be able to improve the Indonesian economic system as well as to produce superior human resources who are able to compete. (Gretha)